Why invest in Safe Haven’s shelter remodel project?

Safe Haven is renovating and expanding to accommodate an increase in demand for our services, and to transform our shelter into a physical environment that promotes safety, well-being, and healing. Trauma informed design principles will bring Safe Haven’s mission to life in our new and improved shelter: providing safety, space to heal, advocacy and empowerment for women, children, and all survivors of domestic violence.


How will your kindness impact survivors?

For more than 40 years, our advocates and comprehensive programming have assisted survivors on their paths to a life free from violence. REBUILDING FROM WITHIN will transform our physical shelter environment into something that also promotes safety and healing from trauma and helps survivors take back control of their lives.


Security + Privacy Upgrades

Reconfiguring our entry and advocate offices to enhance safety and confidentiality for clients and staff


Space to Heal

Doubling Bedrooms

Adding more + private bedrooms to meet increased demand and better help survivors heal from crisis



Playroom + Client Flex Use Rooms

Designed spaces that provide better access for families and youth of all ages to process and heal from trauma



+4 Accessible Bathrooms

Promoting identity, dignity, and empowerment by providing better access to all survivors regardless of ability, age, or gender identity



Help empower survivors:

  • Fill out a pledge form
  • Send a check to: Safe Haven | PO Box 3558 | Duluth, MN 55803*
  • Donate online
  • Contact Carin Skoog for more options, including stock donations: 218-730-2468 or carin@safehavenshelter.org

*Preferred to reduce credit card processing fees